Jiachen Zhu

About Me

I am a fourth-year computer science PhD condidate at NYU Courant advised by Yann LeCun. Prior to this, I got my bachelor’s degrees at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2015 and master’s degree at NYU in 2020.


Research Interests

I am interested in self-supervised learning methods for images or videos. I am also interested in understanding the design of all kind of neural network architectures.


Variance-Covariance Regularization Improves Representation Learning

VoLTA: Vision-Language Transformer with Weakly-Supervised Local-Feature Alignment

Masked Siamese ConvNets

TiCo: Transformation Invariance and Covariance Contrast for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning


jiachen.zhu AT nyu.edu


My Favourite Illusion!

The two ideas that I found both shockingly simple and extremely clever: 1, 2

My favourite TensorFlow function!